Why subscribe?

If you love the smell of sagebrush or would like the opportunity to learn why the sagebrush steppe is both beloved and contested, Range Writing is for you. It is your source for stories directly from the steppe, for in-depth reporting on natural resource issues and science, for celebrating the role of pastoral animals and people, and for commentary on current issues as well as stunning photography.

Why me?

After a career in journalism and publishing more than a dozen nonfiction books (with more in the works), I’ve been frustrated that many important rangelands stories aren’t being covered well in modern media. While the public cares about public lands, wildlife, and other natural resources, they often aren’t provided insights to the complexities and realities of life on the range. Range Writing will fill this gap.

While I’m still writing for other media outlets, I wanted the flexibility to take a deeper look at issues on these rangelands, using photography and long narratives to provide a more holistic perspective. Thus, I launched Range Writing to share stories and images from western rangelands.

What I bring to this is personal experience in raising livestock, in producing food and fiber while sustaining a family, on range that we share with a host of large carnivores and other wild creatures. I live and work this range, and I’ll tell my stories as well as stories of my neighbors.

We will celebrate the good:

Range Writing celebrates agri-CULTURE, showing what we do and why.

You’ll find stories of transhumance, the seasonal movement of domestic animals with their human caretakers in sync with nature.

You’ll find stories of pastoralism and learn about our kinship with other pastoralists from around the globe.

You’ll learn about the human-animal connections that help to sustain the human soul.

I'll show you both the glorious and the grim of these wild, working landscapes and the people who live and work in this shared space.

We will seek the truth:

Range Writing will publish deep dives into the network and funding behind orchestrated anti-livestock campaigns.

I will expose the methods used by biased scientists to drive an anti-animal agriculture agenda.

Range Writing will also turn a critical eye on media failures, such as when news reporters behave as activists rather than journalists, and respected news agencies fail to fact-check their own work or live up to their own ethical policies.

What do you get with a subscription?

Once a week you’ll get Range Writing delivered directly to your inbox, for free. You’ll get in-depth reporting and commentary on natural resource issues along with gorgeous images.

Range Writing discloses sources and provides links to truth, not propaganda. I curate the content and I bring receipts.

The single biggest thing you can do today to support Range Writing is to subscribe to the newsletter. Your subscription helps to keep the independence in independent journalism.

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Want to connect?

To provide feedback, suggest a story, or seek reprint permission, please contact me at catu2@mac.com.

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Subscribe to Range Writing

News, images and prose from western rangelands by Wyoming rancher and writer Cat Urbigkit.


A writer and rancher, roaming the sagebrush steppe with a flock of sheep and some really big dogs. An advocate for pastoralism.