Very good story, it is unfortunate but understandable, that you can't share more.

A few years ago, i came across a Kit fox in Wamsutter while checking wells. Pretty little guy.

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Good piece. I'll never forget the time when I was censusing Mexican spotted owls for the BLM, and the supervising biologist flushed an owl from a tree (in the daytime), only to have a golden eagle snatch it. The eagles also wiped out a group of fledgling peregrine falcons that were being hacked (accustomed to to independent living) on nearby national forest land. Nothing to do in either case.

I think you are wise to carefully weigh your decision. Didn' know that swift foxes were so rare in western Wyoming.

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WOW! That would have been amazing to witness (the golden with a Mexican spotted owl). This is just how nature operates, both beautiful and brutal. Remember the story of the golden eagle that snatched a brown bear cub in Norway? They are amazing predators. (Here's the link: https://bioone.org/journals/ursus/volume-19/issue-2/08SC008.1/Predation-by-a-Golden-Eagle-on-a-Brown-Bear-Cub/10.2192/08SC008.1.short). I would sure love to see swift foxes gain a toehold here.

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